
Dupuytren’s Contracture

July 30th, 2010

What is Dupuytren’s Contracture? Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition in which the fingers of the hand bend in towards the palm. It is caused by a thickening of the tough connective tissues

Elbow Fractures

July 30th, 2010

What is an Elbow Fracture? The bones of the elbow joint consist of the humerus of the upper arm and the radius and ulna of the forearm, whose bony articulations fit together like pieces of a

Extensor Tendon Repair

July 30th, 2010

What are Extensor Tendon injuries? Tendons are thin cords of connective tissue that anchor bone to muscle to produce movement. Extensor tendons begin in the forearm and run along back of the hand

Flexor Tendon Injuries

July 30th, 2010

What are Flexor Tendons? The Flexor Tendons are located on the palm side of the hand. They are thick cord-like connective tissues that attach the finger bones to muscles in the forearm and allow

Forearm Fractures

July 30th, 2010

What is a Forearm Fracture? A forearm fracture is a break involving the bones of the forearm: the radius and the ulna. Either or both bones may sustain a fracture. The fracture may occur at any

Gamekeeper’s Thumb Symptoms & Treatment

July 30th, 2010

What is GameKeeper’s Thumb? Gamekeeper’s Thumb, also known as Skier’s Thumb, results from acute or chronic injury of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL). Ligaments are strong, flexible,

Ganglion Cyst Removal Surgery & Treatment in Dallas, Texas

July 30th, 2010

What is a Ganglion Cyst? A ganglion cyst is a soft-to-firm, round growth located on the wrist joint. Usually about 1-3 cm in diameter, it is non-mobile. It can be found most commonly on the dorsal

Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

July 30th, 2010

What is Golfer’s Elbow? Golfer’s Elbow (medial epicondylitis) is a painful form of elbow tendonitis. The forearm muscles (the flexors and the Pronator Teres) responsible for grip, wrist

Hand Infections

July 30th, 2010

What is a hand infection? Hands and the structures within are especially prone to infections, whether bacterial, viral, or fungal. The anatomy of the hand is complex, and a seemingly minor injury

Human Bites

July 30th, 2010

What is a Human Bite? The upper extremities and especially the hands are the most common site of human bites. Most people only think of one type of injury when the term “human bite” is used.

Kienböck’s Disease

July 30th, 2010

What is Kienbock’s Disease? Kienböck’s Disease is a condition in which your lunate bone does not receive adequate blood supply. The lunate is one of eight small bones that make up the

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Doctor in Dallas

July 30th, 2010

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The carpal tunnel of the wrist is a confined space which surrounds the median nerve. The bottom, or dorsal side of the tunnel consists of the wrist bones, while the

Mallet Finger: Splints, Treatment, & More

July 30th, 2010

What is Mallet Finger? Mallet Finger is a deformity in which the fingertip bends downward at the end joint and can no longer be straightened. Tendons attach the muscles in the forearm to the

Nail Bed Injuries: Treatment & Healing

July 30th, 2010

What are Nail Bed Injuries? Accidental injuries to the fingertips are quite commonplace due to the basic function and sheer frequency with which we use our hands on a daily basis. Fingertips are

Paronychia Treatment In Dallas

July 30th, 2010

What is a Paronychia? Paronychia is an infection of the folds of skin surrounding the fingernail. There are two types of paronychia: acute and chronic. While paronychial infections are typically