
Articles featuring Dr. Knight

Wikipedia article on Dr. John T. Knight.
(May 2013)
(May 2013)

Dr. Knight was interviewed as an Expert in a “Pain and Numbness” article for DRUM! Magazine.
(March 2013)
(March 2013)
Dr. Knight appears in January issue of LA Magazine.
(January 2013)
(January 2013)

New technology provides man with hope
(The Times, May 2, 1998)
(The Times, May 2, 1998)

Airlines Split on Need for Medical Gear
(The Wall Street Journal, February 23, 1998)
(The Wall Street Journal, February 23, 1998)

Doctors complain airplanes lack sufficient medical equipment
(The Dallas Morning News, January 18, 1998)
(The Dallas Morning News, January 18, 1998)

Cardiac Arrest in the Air – Without the Tools to Cope; Emergencies Raise Issue of Airline Preparedness
(The Washington Post, January 15, 1998)
(The Washington Post, January 15, 1998)

Bahamas native receives reconstructive surgery at SMC
(Diocesan News, August 3, 1994)
(Diocesan News, August 3, 1994)

Innovative surgical procedure restores man’s missing thumb
(The Times, December 26, 1994)
(The Times, December 26, 1994)

Sibling surgeons form replantation team
(The Times, June 16, 1993)
(The Times, June 16, 1993)

Doctor pushes airlines to add medical equipment
(The Times)
(The Times)

Put more lifesaving equipment on planes
(The Shreveport Times)
(The Shreveport Times)