Hand Specialist Santa Clarita

Where To Find The Best Hand Specialist Santa Clarita Has To Offer

Dr. John Knight has been the director of the Hand and Wrist Institute since September 2009. The institute has two conveniently located offices for Santa Clarita residents in Beverly Hills and West Hills. Dr. Knight has over 25 years of experience performing some of the most innovative surgeries during his career as a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon. He also has a Certificate of Added Qualifications in Surgery of the Hand. He is fully qualified in treating non-surgical and surgical treatments for any type of injury, trauma, syndromes or deformities.

Further certifications include Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) and Agreed Medical Examiner (AME), along with second opinion consultations. Dr. Knight is a primary treating physician for worker compensation cases and he is licensed to accept compensation cases out of state and federal cases as well.

He is a leader in the field of medicine by gaining national attention when he was instrumental in getting the Aviation Medical Assistance Act passed in Congress on April 24, 1998, which now requires all airlines to carry defibrillators on board for emergency treatment.

Office Location Serving Santa Clarita
Address:8929 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 320
 Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone:(310) 432-9363
Driving Time from Santa Clarita:41 minutes

Dr. Knight, as a hand surgeon, was one of the first to successfully transplant a toe in place of a missing thumb for a patient in the Southern U.S. He is also credited with implanting an internal computer system that helped restore hand functions in patients who are quadriplegic.

Not sure if the Hand and Wrist Institute is the correct place for your condition? Take a few minutes to use the virtual interactive tool to help you possibly identify what the problem may be that you are experiencing and whether you need to see a hand doctor. Living in Santa Clarita gives you a head start at hand, wrist and upper extremity health because you are so close to our West Hills offices.

The Hand and Wrist Institute has state of the art technology in their outpatient surgical centers, which are located in Beverly Hills, West Hills and Orange County. Custom designed with the most advanced medical devices available, each surgical unit is transformed to specific desires of each surgeon, with just the touch of a button. This affords a more efficient operating room that provides the best care for the patient.

While providing superior care that rivals that of any Intensive Care Unit, the patients are experiencing the lowest rate of infections due to the specialized 100% HEPA air filtration unit in the facility. The UVC (ultraviolet) emitters kill any airborne germs, bacteria or microorganisms that may enter the facility. There have been zero infections of MRSA after three continuous years of operation.

A Hand Specialist is specifically trained in all aspects of hand and wrist problems. Dr. Knight is recognized as one of the top hand surgeons in the nation and has been seen on The Doctors, CNN and Good Morning America. He has also been published in some of the most prominent and respected publications around the country.

If you would like more information, please feel free to email us or call our office at (310) 432-9363 where our friendly and professional staff will answer any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to helping all residents of Santa Clarita and beyond.

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