Hand and Wrist Injury Tool
What is the Where Does it Hurt® Tool?
The Where Does it Hurt® Tool? is a one of a kind tool that allows anyone to interact with 3D images of hands, wrists and forearms to identify potential ailments. You start by selecting an arm and then click on the pain point area(s) and select your symptoms. Once all symptoms have been selected, you are presented with links to informative articles on potential conditions and treatments.
Who can use the Where Does it Hurt® Tool?
Anyone can use the tool and anyone can add the tool to their website or blog. Sharing this tool with your readers can help engagement and provide value to your readers.
How Do I add Where Does it Hurt® Tool to my website?
If you’d like to add the widget to your blog, simply copy and paste the code below into the web page where you would like the tool to display. Users will be able to use the tool as they can on handandwristinstitute.com
How do I white label the Where Does it Hurt® Tool and link to content on my website?
If you have your own content that you would like to, we have B2B paid options available. Please contact us for more information.
Widget Embed Code:
<iframe width="100%" height="700" frameBorder="0" src="https://www.handandwristinstitute.com/wheredoesithurt/widget/" scrolling="no"></iframe>